Miss England Final 16-17 May:
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Sanjna proudly helped mum with first deposit for a home

By 25th April 2024 No Comments

Sanjna is 24 years of age & now from Birmingham but was actually born in Wolverhampton where she lived for 14 years of her life.   

On 31 July 2014, her life was turned upside down when she relocated to Birmingham to live in emergency accommodation with her mom and siblings.

Sanjna witnessed years of domestic abuse towards her mom, something a child should never see. At the age of 14, she nearly lost her mom to the abuse and that’s when they found the courage and strength to involve the Police and say enough is enough.

Sanjna remembers that day so vividly, arriving at the Police station waiting all day sitting in the reception and then being taken away to Birmingham council emergency accommodation by the Police. She was told it was no longer safe for her to go home, the home where she grew up and was pivotal to her childhood.

Sanjna’s mental health suffered as a result of this life changing situation. She had to grow up before her time and support her mom who was born in India in applying for schools, benefits, changing addresses, etc. the list was endless. She did this whilst trying to study for her GCSE’s and A levels. Sanjna began working at 16 to support her mom financially and was always sacrificing things for the sake of her family. She was determined to help her mom get out of the difficult situation they were in financially.

But they do say, every grey cloud has a silver lining, and this couldn’t be more true for Sanjna. This situation wasn’t only the one that broke her down but was the same situation that built her up and moulded her into the woman she is today – confident, passionate. Inspiring and empowering. After years of hard work and financial support, Sanjna helped with the deposit for her mom’s first home 7 years later. This was a proud moment, and it was at this point, Sanjna was determined to help all the women and children would were going through what her and her family went through. She wanted to show them that there is light at the end of the tunnel, even though many will struggle to see it at the present time.

Sanjna has began working with a local charity called Roshni in Birmingham who support women and children who have been affected by different types of abuse. She has arranged a visit at one of the refuges to speak to those women and children affected and understand the gaps we as a society have within the robust network of support provided to the survivors. Sanjna is determined to target the root causes and educate people about abuse and those gaps within our system. She is determined to empower and inspire those women and children to support them into their journey post the abuse.

Sanjna’s passion for the work shone through so much that she was invited down to BBC not once but twice to talk about her journey so far. She spoke to the wonderful Elise Evans on BBC WM radio alongside Danny Thompson, Director of Sales and Development for The Grand Station and Gagan Grewal on the BBC Asian Show. Sanjna has also got two live interviews upcoming with a local Asian TV channel called Akaal TV and Radio XL.

Sanjna will be continuing her work for her Beauty with a Purpose project and raising money for the Miss England Finals charity ‘Balls to Cancer’ in the lead up to the finals. She is competing in the biggest marathon in the midlands in Birmingham on 5th May – so watch this space!

Sanjna with her mother

Miss Birmingham – Sanjna South is a Finalist in the Miss England 2024 competition -which is sponsored by www.watermanshair.com due to be held at the Grand Station Wolverhampton on the 16th & 17th May 2024 . You can support Sanjna by downloading the Miss England App for FREE & place a Free Daily vote for her. 

Tickets to the 2 day Miss England final event  are available on the Grand Station