Law student Bella Hakim won the Miss Birmingham title during lockdown !
After submitting 3 videos and photos of herself to the Miss England contest , Bella was invited to a final zoom call with the judges during lockdown , who then finally voted Bella as the host girl to take the Miss Birmingham title in Miss England !
Bella (21) who is a trainee barrister was invited to a special crowning photoshoot in September to receive her Miss England Finalists tiara and got the chance to wear a beautiful powder blue and silver ballgown from To The Nines especially for the shoot !
Read an article in the Birmingham Media here
Blue dress photo by Stu Williamson Photography
Cheerleading is one of the sports teams at Keele Uni & I love being part of it . Its a very big club a lot of members and I’m on an all girls team, and we’re part of the Athletic Union .
We do compete against other universities on a national level, majority female but some teams are co-Ed – we have the classic uniform skirt and tops with bows and we train on things like dance, stunting (throwing people in the air and cartwheels etc) and obviously flexibility similar to gymnastics but it’s harder than a lot of people think we have to train a lot more than most sports I’ve been trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle at home during Covid. My mum and I used to go to Zumba classes together so now we do home Zumba and aerobics. Dancing is great and my main form of exercise and keeps us happy!
Plans for the future :

Bella, a beauty queen and Barrister ? Well that would be very impressive ! Photo by @StuWilliamson_portraits Bella will be representing Birmingham in the next Miss England Final on 16th & 17th April 2021 and is sponsored by KPM PROPERTIES