Miss England Final 16-17 May:
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First ever acrobat to reach the Miss England Final, Nina!

By 18th April 2024 No Comments

My Miss England Mission is to inspire and empower women to follow their dreams and have self belief.


My journey began when I was 16 years old with a sudden feeling of ‘I want to dance.’ Now, normally when dancing and wanting a professional career dancers start from the ages of 2-4 years. I entered a dance school and was incredibly behind with my movement, flexibility, musicality and confidence. I admired the other girls and was desperate to catch up so I trained every single day with the hopes I could catch up. Skip forward to two years later and I had opened my own dance school in which I put on award ceremonies, masterclasses, competitions and big production shows for my students.

Nina at the Miss England semi final at VIVA BLACKPOOL!



Sadly, I gave up this dream when I fell ill in hospital and decided to stop dancing for while… in that time I felt like I needed a change of scenery and I went to Tenerife alone. During my first couple of months there I began posting some dances I was learning in classes, online and choreographing myself. After posting on my instagram I started receiving comments such as: ‘you’re not ready’, ‘this girl dances super weird,’ ‘someone needs to tell this girl she has no rhythm and doesn’t know how to dance’ … I was hurt by the comments but continued to do what I loved however during this time I started to suffer with my mental health and I was in and out of hospital many times with serve tachycardia and had other disheartening symptoms.


Photo by @amberrosetenerife

Skip forward to age 24 I found a new place of training but for Acrobatic gymnastics. I had NEVER in my life tried gymnastics…I was a dancer, for this I really had to pick up courage, have self belief and let go of my fears. I went to class and fell in LOVE. Fast forward to now myself at 27 years old and I’m performing stunts that gymnasts start learning when they are very young. I have also started back my passion of teaching again and one of my recent students, I told them I only started this sport 3 years ago and she said ‘WOW I thought you had been doing this your whole life’ I feel so proud of myself for overcoming my mental health illness whilst growing into the performer and teacher I am today. All I had to do was follow my dream and believe in myself. There’s a quote I love that says ‘your wings already exist, you just have to believe and fly. I hope I can inspire women to keep going and never give up! Chase that dream and believe in yourself!

Nina promoting the Miss England Headline sponsors Watermans Hair!



Nina will be competing in the next Miss England national final taking place at the Grand Station Wolverhampton  on the 16th & 17th May 2024 sponsored by Watermans Hair.

For tickets to support Nina at the event visit the Grand Station Website to find out more