Three winners have been chosen on the Miss England Virtual App heat 2 who have been invited to compete in the Miss England Semi final in the summer of 2022 who are ;

Eden Gallagher
Public vote winner & judges choice Eden Gallagher (18) pictured right from Manchester who works as an administrator . Eden volunteered at a Covid Vaccination centre during the pandemic and was then offered an administrators role for the NHS Centre . Eden enjoys clay making sculptures & artistic designs and its the first time she has entered anything like the Miss England contest .

Pagan-Lilley , ( 25) second in the public vote and a judges choice . Pagan-Lilley is a programme manager from East Ham, London who has contributed to women’s rights and legislation including taking part in a BBC Panorama documentary contributing to a young persons debate at the Houses of Parliament on catcalling .
Pagan-Lilley has mixed heritage with her mother being half Jamaican & English and her father being Columbian & Iranian !