Blog By Angie Beasley –
Throughout my 20s & 30s , exercise wasn’t important to me . I was lucky enough to be fairly slim back then, I was a model and entered many beauty pageants all over the country . If I needed to loose a few pounds for the pageants I competed in (as most where in swimwear), I just used to cut out bread , sweets and chocolates a couple of weeks before the contest and I didnt worry too much about my weight or staying fit !
I never really worried too much about what I ate or when I ate , I had a lot of junk food and I didn’t really have any exercise rituals at all. In fact, I think the only exercise I did get regularly was dancing at weekends when out socially…

Once I became pregnant with my son Josh and started to get older my body shape changed and I realised I ought to start to exercise and look after myself more eating healthier. So I swam throughout my pregnancy 2-3 times a week and have tried to swim regularly since along with cycling at weekends and when on holidays.
In my 40s I took up Yoga and Pilates and thought that might be enough to keep me slim on its own but I definitely needed to do more. So I returned to the swimming and the gym .
I see swimming & my gym workout as my time to re-charge. I try to go 3-4 times a week otherwise I feel like im cheating myself! When I swim I feel free, for me it’s the best exercise. it’s the most gentle but effective way of toning every part of your body and not to mention its great way to de -stress especially after working on a computer like I often am.I always treat myself to a nice steam afterwards which is a real treat.
Over the years I’ve gone through very challenging times which have affected me and my outlook on life . Since I hit my 50s ive experienced loss in a way I never thought I would , seeing people close to me pass away through terrible illnesses. Ive realised how important exercise is and how essential it is to look after your body as we only get one life . So many of us can find ourselves sitting down a lot of the time , travelling in cars and working at computers and we sometimes forget to take care of the most important thing , which are our bodies and minds!
The fact is without good health there’s no point in much at all . Over the years Ive seen many people ( including me) neglect their health & body, thinking work or partying is far more important …
Now more than anything now I realise exercise and eating healthy food is essential to live longer , & to stay strong both mentally & physically and to be around to help those you care about most .
And now im even older? I have a pretty strict exercise regime …I try to work out and swim every other day , and I love pushing myself to do it . Its not always easy believe me especially on these cold winter mornings . But If I don’t get up and hit the gym and swim, the only person I’m letting down is me .
Regular exercise makes me feel happier and stronger both mentally & physically and I love the good feeling you get when you achieve your exercise goal.
Trust me , try getting fitter and start building exercise in to your life if you havent already, you really won’t regret it .