Miss London 2025

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1 week ago

Blog by Angie Beasley – Director Miss England – Photos by Nathan Bryant and Kam Murali

After almost a month of debating on Miss England social media, the organiser of Miss England Angie Beasley  is pleased to announce the make up free round in the next Miss England competition will stay ! 

Photo by Nathan Bryant L-R Miss England 2021 finalists – Rheanna Cartier who won the Make up Free round in 2021  , Rehema Muthamia Miss England 2021 , & Poppy Gerrard – the top 3 in the make up free round in 2021

Contestants who reach the semi and national final of the next competition can choose to enter the optional make up free round which entails posting a natural make up free image of themselves on their own social media account using the hashtag
#barefacemissengland and walking the Miss England arrivals catwalk, make up free.

“The Miss Englands Bare Face Top Model round is a unique and empowering element of the competition and will remain in the competition as one of the qualifying rounds that contestants can choose to enter as a way of trying to reach the shortlist” said
organiser Angie Beasley. “By showcasing their natural beauty without the aid of makeup, the contestants can
celebrate their individuality and self-confidence. This round also promotes natural &
realistic beauty on social media which I believe is good thing ”.

Photo Melisa Raouf by Kam Murali -Melisa is the only Finalist to enter the whole competition make up free so far. Melisa won the Bare face round in the 2022 final and walked the final catwalk make up free alongside all other contestants wearing make up !

Politics student Melisa Raouf winner of the 2022 Miss England Bare Face round and the only contestant to ever enter the whole Miss England final make up free so far said “I’m so glad to hear that the Miss England makeup-free round is staying! This
round was key in helping me feel confident and empowered in myself, and I’m sure many other girls who participate in the future will feel the same.

I’m truly excited to see how this round continues to evolve, as I believe it’s what sets the Miss England
pageant apart from other pageants—offering a unique opportunity to embrace natural beauty and empowerment.”


The next Miss England semi final takes place at the Grand Station Wolverhampton on Friday 3 rd October 2025 but before them the reigning Miss England , Milla Magee from Newquay Cornwall will be representing England in the 72nd Miss World.

Please Follow Miss England on @missenglandlimited on Instagram, TIKTOK & facebook !





Since the debate began in January about whether this round should stay , the story has been featured in The Times TWICE ,

Daily Express , The Daily Star , The Independent , The Telegraph and lots more publications and on Saturday 1st February Milla Magee Miss England and Afrose Ameen winner of the last Bare Face round in Miss England will be speaking on LBC radio at 8pm about the topic .

Here’s some of the articles which appeared in media 

Milla Magee is the winner of Miss England 2024 & will be representing England at the 72nd Miss World - photo by @bamboophotolao