To celebrate the launch of the Solaair Sequin Walls new influencers lounge in Mansfield CEO of the award winning company and entrepreneur”Datsa Gaile” invited this years Miss England Talent shortlist to perform against their newly decorated colourful backdrops .
Just three finalists are now being selected by the judges to perform at the Miss England final.
The shortlist of Miss England 22 finalists performed an array of talent including dancing , singing , acting and playing instruments against the glamorous backdrops , often used by top TV shows and famous artists such as ” Adele’s gold sequin wall at the Brits and more recently “Strictly”.
The company manufactures and supplies a stunning range of dazzling and colourful sequin walls that can be used as backdrops for every event or venue imaginable . From parties to presentations or just as decoration in your home or business Solaair Sequin walls are unique in providing the perfect background.
The new lounge is now aimed at influencers and content creators but the company can supply incredible backdrops for anyone anywhere .
The Miss England performers each received their own “Christmas in a Box” sequin set up as a gift to set up in their home !
The top 3 in the Talent round to perform at the Miss England National final are ;
Emily Harrison – Singer from Birmingham
Anjali Sinha – dancer from Essex
Georgia Austin – Performer from Liverpool
Datsa is now looking forward to being a judge at the Miss England final and is supplying an incredible England flag sequin backdrop at the event at the Holiday Inn Birmingham Airport being held on the 16th & 17th October 2022. The winner of Miss England will represent England at the 71st Miss World which champions “Beauty with a Purpose” .
The talent winner will be announced on the first night of the final !
For further details visit ;

Back row L-R Miss England finalists Georgia Austin (25) – Dancer & performer from Liverpool , Emily Harrison(25) -Singer from Birmingham , Melisa Raouf (20) Belly Dancer from London Datsa Gaile , Neha Dhull (27) Traditional indian dancer from Surrey , Emily Cossey (23) Pianist from Chelsea , Millie Hinchcliffe (18) , Pianist from Leeds , Briana Smith (16) Flautist from Cumbria – Front row L-R Tia Carter (20) Dancer from Leicester , Anjali Sinha (23) Dancer from Essex , Jess Hynes (21) , Guitarist and singer from Cheshire, Milly Everatt (22) an artist .( not pictured but reaching the talent shortlist is Anita Saha Miss Manchester , but unable to attend on this day)