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Press Release 

Performing arts teacher is crowned Miss Mansfield by Miss England Dr Bhasha Mukherjee

Performing arts teacher Amy Beilby (26)  from Mansfield has been nominated as a Miss England Finalist after entering the contest Virtually!

Amy Beilby is now set to represent her home town of Mansfield after being presented with her tiara & sash from the reigning Miss England NHS Doctor Bhasha Mukherjee who works at the Royal Derby Hospital. Both wore a visor for the crowning photo …

Amy & Bhasha also wore beautiful white gowns from To The Nines Boutique for the special photoshoot held as a socially distanced event with 3 other Miss England  Finalists.

Amy initially entered the contest in March before the pandemic began and qualified for the Virtual semi final which was held as a Livestream event at the end of July.

Contestants where invited to submit 3 videos of themselves, an introduction, a, catwalk and an optional talent video.
Also contestants were encourage to compete in a charity fundraising contest for Beauty With a Purpose and create an ethical fashion outfit with the theme #wearitgreen from recycled materials.

3 Judges appeared via zoom from across England alongside a socially distanced judging panel of 3  Miss England winners who then selected the Finalists. Amy was a, popular choice from the judges.

Amy is sponsored by Richard Murrill & received gifts including Hair products Indola UK & Skincare from Cetuem.

Amy said “It’s an honour to represent Mansfield at the Miss England final. It is my dream to represent my country and be a positive role model to more young girls across the country as well as support causes I’m passionate about so am working hard in preparation. I’m currently organising my ‘3 B’s project’ within schools to educate young people to become healthier physically and mentally, encourage kindness to themselves, others and the environment and to also encourage diversity, individuality and self confidence. I want to say a huge thank you to the Miss England team for this fantastic oppurtunity.”

“Amy is clearly a very talented lady after showing the judges her singing & creative skills in the ethical fashion round . We are proud to have Amy in the final” said Miss England Director Angie Beasley.

Amy in her Ethical Fashion outfit



The contest constantly promotes its ethos “More than just a pretty face”
The charity Beauty With a Purpose which helps disadvantaged youngsters across the world.

The winner of Miss England is set to represent the country in the 70th Miss World final held in the Autumn of 2021.

Photos by Arya Visuals