Forest of Dean

The contestants in this contest have a total of 0 followers on Instagram and 0 followers on Tiktok.


Existing Title
Miss Dorset


5ft 7

Student at AUB studying Fashion Design

Interesting Fact
I have had the pleasure of being Miss Dorset for a year already, during which time I raised £9486 for charity. Last year I went travelling in Bali where I completed my open water diving license which then allowed me to do a dive clean. I also cleaned any littered beaches I came across which I have continued doing in England. I am an Officer Cadet at Southampton UOTC which has improved my leadership skills and allowed me to challenge and develop myself whilst at university. I am also going to Uganda next year to help build a playground for a local school to allow children to play which helps with their cognitive development.

More information about this event coming soon.